Where did the Indian people come from before they settled in India?

The Indian population today is a complex mix of different groups .The dominant group is the Aryan, believed to be coming from Persia.As historians, we want to learn more about where the Aryans came from, especially how they were related to the Persians, and how they affected the Harappan culture, which later became known as the ancient Indus Valley culture. This post is based on study articles and historical records, among other sources.

Where did the Indian people come from before they settled in India?

  1. Indigenous people-Andamanese people,(please note-Andamanese people are inhabitants of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal)
  2. The second is, Dravidian people, The Tamils. It is believed that the Dravidians were the second of the earliest major groups in the Indian subcontinent. They are said to have been linked with the ancient Mohenjo-Daro Harappa civilization now it is called as Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished around 2500 BCE.
  3. The third group , the most influenced one ,Indo-Aryans. formation of the Vedic culture. According to the Aryan Migration Theory, around 1500 BCE, a group of speakers of Indo-European languages known as the Aryans migrated into the Indian subcontinent. (This is a rather long analysis so I will leave it as a footnote below Please read it.)
  4. Forth one is the various groups that could have migrated or invaded India, Greeks, Scythians, Huns, Kushans, Arabs, Persians, Turks, and Mughals, among others.
  5. fifth group ,The Indian subcontinent, a major commercial route for millennia, resulted cultural exchange and migration.
  6. Finally, the ability is to migrate from Sri Lanka. Becuase Earliest man found in south Asia is from SriLankan . Evidence of Homo sapiens in Sri Lanka; (Refer the chart below) Among the animal remains discovered from srilanka were bison, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, woolly elephant, and other exotic mammals

Above is a comparison illustration of the world's most significant archaeological discoveries associated with early human settlements. The chart details the discoveries and their significance, as well as whether or not human remains were discovered at the sites. Highlighted one is the Asian findings.

As a researcher, I found a number of sources that offer valuable insight into the Aryan migration to India and their Persian origins.

  1. The article "The Horse, the Wheel, and Language" by David W. Anthony - This book provides a comprehensive analysis of Indo-European migrations, including the migration of Aryans to India. It discusses the probable Aryan origins in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe and their migration to the Indian subcontinent.
  2. The book "The Aryans: Myth and Archaeology" by Rajesh Kochhar - This book explores the origins and identity of the Aryans, as well as the arguments surrounding their migration to India. It examines linguistic, archaeological, and genetic evidence to put light on their Persian roots.
  3. Wendy Doniger's rendition of "The Rig Veda" - The ancient Indian text Rigveda contains references to the shared cultural and religious practises of the Aryans and Persians. This translation by Wendy Doniger is a valuable resource for comprehending the religious beliefs of the ancient Aryans.
  4. "The Blackwell Companion to Indo-European Linguistics" - edited by Silvia Luraghi and Vit Bubenik - This volume contains an article by Asko Parpola that examines the origins of the Aryan branches and their ties to the ancient Persians.
  5. Trautmann, Thomas R., "Aryans and British India" This book investigates the British colonial scholarship on Aryan migration to India and the controversies surrounding it. It offers a critical analysis of colonial perspectives and their influence on the comprehension of Indian history.

These sources, among others, provide an abundance of data on the Aryan migration to India and their Persian connections. They provide invaluable insights into the intricate history of the Indian subcontinent and its diverse cultural heritage.


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