Hindu scriptures such as Gita and Skanda Purana state th

  1. Hinduism allows a woman to marry ONCE in her lifetime in both divorcee and widow cases.

  2. Traditional Hinduism DOES NOT accept atheism, agnosticism or skepticism.

  3. Hindu scriptures such as Gita and Skanda Purana state that ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures and those who are atheists (nastika) fall into the terrible hell (naraka).

  4. According to Kurma Purana Part II ch 26 shloka 67, a person who knows Dharma should not offer even water to an atheist or a heretic or to a sceptic or to a person who does not know the Vedas. Sources:

    1. Mahabharat Book 1 Sec 104, Baudhayana Dharmasutra, Praśna II, Adhyāya 2, Kaṇḍikā 4, Shlok 6, Skanda Puran Book 4, Sec 1, Ch 4, Sh 50–51, Baudhayana Dharmasutra, Prasna IV, Adhyaya 1 sh 16, Vasistha Dharmasutra Ch XVII sh 74.

    2. Gita 4:40, Skanda Purana Book 5 Sec 3 Ch 227 shloka 4, Kurma Purana Part II ch 26 shloka 67.


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