Are the temples at Bagan originally Hindu but converted to Buddhism?


  • Some individuals and Hindu extremist groups in India have argued that some of the temples in Bagan were originally constructed as Hindu temples rather than Buddhist temples. However, the vast preponderance of historical and archaeological evidence does not support these claims.


The following i constitute the principal evidence supporting the Buddhist affiliation of Bagan's temples:

  1. The earliest historical records of Bagan, which extend back to the 11th century, indicate that the region was ruled by the Bagan Dynasty, which was known for its staunch support of Buddhism. The majority of inscriptions discovered in the region contain references to Buddhist beliefs and practises.
  2. Bagan's temples are distinguished by their distinctive architectural style, which consists of massive brick structures with multiple tiers and terraces. This style is typical of the Buddhist temple architecture prevalent throughout Southeast Asia.
  3. The temples of Bagan continue to serve as places of Buddhist devotion and pilgrimage, with rituals and ceremonies conducted in accordance with Buddhist customs.

    Despite the fact that Hindu artefacts and inscriptions have been discovered in a few Bagan temples, these are generally believed to be later additions or modifications rather than evidence of the temples' original function or use. In addition, the overwhelming majority of evidence, including historical records, architectural design, iconography, and religious practises, supports the Buddhist affiliation of the temples.

  • Author's note for further reading : Bagan's earliest historical records date back to the 11th century, when the Bagan Dynasty governed the region. As part of their religious patronage, the Bagan Dynasty constructed a significant number of temples in the region. The support of Buddhism by the Bagan Dynasty is also evident in the numerous inscriptions discovered throughout the region, which contain references to Buddhist beliefs and practises. Bagan's earliest temples were constructed in the eleventh century, shortly after the Bagan Dynasty came to power. The Ananda Temple, one of Bagan's most renowned structures, was constructed in 1091 during the tenure of King Kyanzittha. In the following century, notable temples such as the Dhammayangyi Temple and the Thatbyinnyu Temple were constructed. Over time, new temples are being established and existing temples are being renovated and expanded. The temples continue to serve as significant sites of Buddhist worship and attest to the region's Buddhist influence.


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